The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars UX

by Brunom1

Part 68: Mission 28 (Surface Route) - A Moment's Encounter - Part 1

Time to wrap up the Surface route and we only have Joe set as an auto-deploy. Here’s how we’re going:
Tactician: Moritsugu

Off we go.

: Hayase, I know this is putting you on the spot, but what do you think of Miu Kujo?
: Wh-What I… well, I think a bunch of stuff. Like why she became a Factor, and whatnot.
: That’s a good question… It’s not like her life was in any danger, so how come the Painkiller was able to make her into a Factor?
: It doesn’t really make much sense, seeing how that’s going against one of the laws that’s imposed on all Machinas.
: The laws imposed on all Machinas… I believe I know the ones. “Machina aren’t allowed to harm humans.”
: And “In the eventuality a Machina does harm a human, or finds one in life-threatening condition, then it’s to take immediate action and restore him or her as its Factor.” Correct?
: That’s pretty much it, yes.
: …
: Prof. Rachel…?
: This is just a personal hypothesis but…
: I’m wondering if the Painkiller judged that Miu Kujo was in a ‘life-threatening MENTAL condition’?
: Wait, what?!
: So the thing made her its Factor because it figured she might die if left alone?!
: I have a hypothesis of my own in that regard: that Machina alter their laws to suit their needs.
: …!
: Th-Then, the Painkiller made Kujo its Factor so it could move again…?
: I’m afraid that may be it.
: Mr. Moritsugu… just what are Machinas?
: I don’t know. All I can say is that this event has turned a niggling doubt I’ve had for a while into a full-blown question.
: And that question is… “Can we really trust our Machinas”?
: Huh?!
: …
: (And there’s also the matter of Mr. Ishigami. Can we trust you, sir? Or…)
: …

: Is everyone really cool with that Kujo chick?
: I mean, I’m kinda worried that her crazy fighting style’s gonna end up causing trouble for the rest of us.
: You’re one to talk, Joe. How many times have we had to bear the brunt of your mistakes…?
: What was that now? You got a problem, you say it to my face!
: Yes, I’ve a problem and then some! I’m sick and tired of your freewheeling attitude!
: I swear, were Sir Ylbora here, he’d put you in your place…!
: Sir Ylbora. Sir Ylbora? Alright, Gameran, c’mere ‘cause I got a piece of info to drop on you…
: What is it?


: Oorgh…!
: That piece of garbage’s betrayed us! Quit calling him “Sir”!
: Rrrgh… Y-You insolent—!
: That’s enough, both of you!
: I’m quite sure I forbade any disputes in defense of that man!
: B-But… Your Highness!
: He is our enemy and it has been that way for a while now! There’s no room for debate here!
: Kch…!
: Your Highness…
: (I know the princess needs to say that because of her position but…)
: (She must be hurting so much inside…)
: …
: (Ylbora… you have truly…)

Cut to the C-Terahertz, Emperor The Boom has arrived and Grathan and Ylbora are there to welcome him after the long journey. Annex has heard plenty of the Ladorian warrior, but he’s now a loyal subject and Grathan attests to his skill. That said, as Charme knows, Grathan’s been having unexpected difficulties in capturing the Elshank, and she doubts Ylbora’s defection will change that.
Oh, but they’re hardly out of options yet, as Grathan says they’ve a certain new machine being developed – one built specifically to bring the Elshank to heel. It’s not ready yet, mind, which, in Charme’s eyes, is the same as being out of options. Does she have a solution, then? She does, having already dispatched a subordinate to set things up. “Please, Your Majesty, allow me, the Benikage, to take care of everything,” she proclaims.

Benikage is Crimson Shadow, in contrast to Tobikage’s Flying Shadow.

Cut to Kamata, where our crew was forced to ask Soubi to play tour-guide. He doesn’t mind it, enjoying the chance to take a look around town, but it HAS been a very long time since he’s been here. He might not make for much of a guide. As Alto’s heard, Kamata used to be the movie capital of Japan, though a lot of that, barring the famous movie theater, has vanished over the decades.
In truth, the place is very different from when Soubi used to live here, but he can still remember everything vividly – this is where he and Kaoru met, after all. And though his late wife may be gone, he’s certain she’s watching over here. “Your love for her hasn’t changed at all, huh? I can only imagine how wonderful it must be for two people to feel that way about each other,” Lina ponders. “Hahah, I wouldn’t mind getting to know a love like that myself,” Damian chuckles.

That’s something Alto didn’t expect to hear coming from him, but meeting Soubi and listening to his story got Damian thinking. Mars isn’t exactly a happy place and, having been there all his life, he never got to experience falling in love with someone. Unfortunately, Soubi can’t really give him any pointers on that – love is something that happens sudden and unexpectedly.
“You mean suddenly like a girl falling out of the sky on top of you?” Joey wonders aloud. “Bahaha, you talking about Kurou and Al? Now that’s some crazy talk—” Damian starts having a laugh but is interrupted when a car nearly runs him over! Alto’s warning lets him jump out of the way, but who the hell is driving that thing?! No time to wonder, as the car backs around and tries getting Damian from behind.
This time, someone else shoves him out the way and he gets off with just a scratch. Said Good Samaritan was knocked out, but Lina’s already taking care of her.

She wakes up in short order and is more than a little confused. Sounds like Damian’s got his wish, though, as the first thought through his head once he sees her is: “What a beauty…”

Back to JUDA, Rennie’s seen the girl, and very much agrees that she’s a real looker – Michel, of course, heard there was a new babe in town and couldn’t just ignore it. Lunamaria figures she must be with the Federation, but Domyoji’s not too sure of that. Miu asks if he finds it weird that a soldier threw herself in danger to save another, but, no, that’s not what’s bugging him.
Regardless, Eida’s more worried about the car that attacked Damian which, apparently, turned out to be unmanned. As Maki relates, JUDA’s already picked the car up and will be running tests, and Izuna sees a parallel with Allelujah and Soma’s report of the rampaging car at the Moldova Base. Problem is, Rachel says, there’s no evidence of ELS traces on the car. Curious and curiouser.

: Hey, thanks a bunch for what you did back there. You really saved my hide.
: I’m glad you’re safe.
: Hah… I was born and raised on Mars, so, if anything, I’m made of pretty sturdy stuff!
: See here? Everything’s A-OK with me!
: (“Born and raised on Mars”… Then this man really is…!)
: But never mind me. What’s your name…?
: O-Oh, I’m… I’m called Karen.
: Karen, huh? Well, I’m really sorry that you got hurt because of me.
: No, no… it’s no problem. I’m doing fine as well.
: And, Karen, are you a soldier by any chance?
: I’m curious, because I can’t really picture anyone literally jumping in front of a car to save a complete stranger.
: … I’m sorry, what happened back there’s a bit of a blank right now.
: Still, I’m very grateful for what you did.
: If you ever need help with anything, just ask, alright? I owe you my life.
: …
: Hm? Something wrong?
: N-No, it’s just that…
: You’re a very kind man, aren’t you?
: …?!
: H-Heheh, well, I guess I am? B-But, um… as kind as I might be, you’re the real gem here…
: …?
: O-Oh, right! I’ll go and get you something to drink!

*Damian leaves.*

: …
: Lady Benikage, this is Karen speaking. I’ve successfully infiltrated JUDA and made contact with the target.
: Have you now? Very well done. Now bring him to the specified location and eliminate him.
: Eliminate… do you mean kill him?
: What else could I mean? I’ve told you time and again, Karen: Benikage’s kunoichis have no room for emotions.
: Y-Yes… I understand, my lady…

*Door opens!*

: Hey, Karen, I found some coffee, but I don’t know if that’s your thing…
: ?! A-Ah, yes, thank you.
: Huh? Were you talking to someone?
: Oh, right – soldier. You have to report back to your unit or they’ll get mad, right?
: Y-yes, that’s right. I managed to get in touch with them… and it looks like I need to head back right away.
: In that case, lemme give you a ride over. Never know when another crazy car might be waiting around the corner.
: No, um…
: Please, don’t worry about it! I wanna at least do something to repay you for saving my life!
: …
: (I’m a kunoichi… I need to throw away any and all emotions or…)

Back to our crew, Arnie asks what’s gotten Domyoji suspecting the girl. Well, something feels off about this whole thing – is he implying the thing with the car was prearranged? But, then, what would she be after? Well, Damian’s an excellent infiltrator, so it’s not too farfetched to think there are people who’d like to kill him and make it look like an accident.
Sure, but, as Miu points out, Karen SAVED him. Saved him, indeed… but now that Michel takes the time to think about it, the timing of it all kind of seems a bit too perfect. And, Saya notes, it’s standard practice for spies to wait until another lowers their guard before exploiting that opening.

But that’s enough speculation: Maki calls in and has the results of the car analysis. Well, what is it? The ELS really had nothing to do with this – the car was being controlled wirelessly. Crap. And Ogawa runs in with another tidbit: they’ve just detected transmission being made from within JUDA – it’s on The Boom Army’s frequency. Double crap.
Seems to Ishigami that Domyoji’s suspicion was right on the money. When Michel asks, Lina tells that Karen should be at the infirmary now… only, no, there’s no one there. We’re too late.

SRW UX - Prologue

: Are you sure this is okay? I mean, just taking a plane without anyone’s permission…
: I’m just borrowing it for a bit – and to give my savior a lift, even. It’s all good.
: Heheh, thank you, then.

*Fly away!*

: Aah… the moon looks so pretty from up here.
: Oh, yeah, it’s a full moon tonight.
: I wonder what life is like for the people up there. A place like that must be so peaceful – no war, no hardship…
: Have you never been to the moon, Karen?
: I haven’t, no… All my life has been about training, ever since I was a little girl. I didn’t have the freedom to do as I pleased…
: You’ve been with the Federation since you were a kid?
: Y-Yes… I have…
: Hmhmm… You haven’t had it easy either, huh?
: I grew up on Mars and resources were as scarce as can be, so the grownups all took a very “safe” approach to life. Every day I’d wake up and things never really felt right.
: That’s why I eventually left my village and wound up joining the Elshank.
: And you weren’t scared of doing that…?
: I had my friends with me, so I mostly just felt like I’d freed myself…
: I think I’m a bit jealous of you…
: Tell you what, then. I’m gonna find a way to bring you to the moon!
: R-Really? But… is that something you can do?
: Yeah, don’t worry! I promise I’ll make it happen!
: Whatever childhood you had, you get to choose the life you have in the present.
: What I choose…
: Absolutely. Every person, whoever they might be, is free!
: …
: I wonder if I really can do that…?
: ‘Course you can! And I’ll help you!
: Th-That is… if you’d like to go with me…
: I do, yes. I look forward to us traveling to the moon… together…

Mission 28 (Surface Route) – A Moment’s Encounter

Moves forward a bit.*

: Is this spot good for you, Karen?
: … I’m sorry.
: Eh? Sorry…?
: I… I can’t do it! You have to run, Joe!
: “Joe”?!
: Wait, back up, Karen! What’s going on?!

: The Boom Army…?! An ambush?!
: …
: Hrm… Get outta here, Karen! Quick!

: L-Lady Benikage!
: Karen, I vividly remember teaching you that failure is unforgivable. Who in blazes is the man you brought?
: What do you mean, Lady Benikage…? My orders were to bring Joe…
: Karen, why’re you talking with that Boom Army lady…?
: And I’m Damian, not Joe…
: Huh… I-Is that true?!
: Eliminate that man and go find Joe.
: P-Please wait, my lady! There’s no need to kill him, is there?! J-Just give me another chance to make this right!
: Then I’ll kill him myself.

: Uwaaaaah!
: L-Lady Benikage, please! I… I—!

: Rgh! What is this?!

: Looks like we got here in the nick of time! You okay, Damian?!
: Joe, is that you?!
: Joe…?!
: The only piloting that machine is the real Joe Maya?!
: Damn it, Karen, you were followed? But fine… we’d prepared for such an eventuality!
: Karen, return! Return and fight them!
: Damian, hurry back to the ship!
: Hate to break it to you, but it’s pretty dang clear that girl’s a spy.
: N-No, you’re wrong! This is all one big mistake! She was trying to save me again just now!
: Damian…
: Karen, come with me!
: …
: What are you doing, Karen?!
: Y-Yes, Lady Benikage…

: Karen…!
: (Is this really what I want? What am I supposed to do…?)
: (That man… he was…!)
: Guys, please, you have to save Karen! She… she’s not…!
: Oi, Damian, I swear…
: … Okay! Spy or not, we can’t really back away from this!
: So we’ll just roll up our sleeves and try to make it work!

: The enemy’s all gunning for Joe, so keep an eye on the Kurojishi!
: In the meantime, your primary target’s the enemy commander. Concentrate all our firepower on her and let’s bring this battle to a close ASAP.

As he said, losing a ship or Joe’s a game over, and downing either Charme or Karen’ll move the plot along. If you’ve been on track for Tobikage’s #2 secret, though, you’ll want to approach this carefully (if you’ve gathered 150+ kills with Joe, Mike and Rennie, of course):

Secret Alert!
Tobikage secret #2 – 5th and 6th step: do not attack Karen at all. Don’t let her take damage by support defending either. Furthermore, destroy Charme with Joe.

So, yeah, if you’re trigger happy with your counter attacks, you’ll want to be mindful of what you’re doing – Karen’ll get on the offensive immediately and you’ll have to just dodge/defend through everything (if anything, she’s not very accurate). As mentioned above, be mindful of her support defending. Other than that, it’s the standard foray against The Boom enemies, so you know what to expect.
And, of course, you really don’t want Tobikage coming in before you down Charme or he can really screw this secret up for you.

Skeleton (Charme Veker)
Pilot Skills:
Prevail L5
Support Attack L2
All Attack L2
Command L2
Mech Features:
Charme’s voice actress: Eiko Yamada (other roles: Shotaro in Tetsujin 28, Mai in Dragon Ball, and some more).

Like Grathan, but better in every way: Charme isn’t as good as Ylbora since she doesn’t have the Ninja skill, but her stats are good all around, so don’t underestimate her.
We’ve fought plenty of Skeletons before, though, so you already know what to expect. She’ll happily hang back from the battle for a long while, so you just need to close in when you’ve the morale and wrap things up.

Finally, while I won’t be allowing Tobikage to come over, he does get reactions from the boss lady.

When he first turns up:

: That’s the machine the Emperor spoke of… Tobikage!

And when he fuses:

: Oh…? So that’s how it combines with the Ladorian machines. Hmhmhm, what a curious system.

Now off we go.

SRW UX - Obelisk
And here’s Miu’s solo attack with Pard.

SRW UX - Love Survivor

: You heard what Damian said, didn’t you?! And you’re still gonna fight us?!
: But, I… my code is…
: Screw your code! Listen to whatever your heart’s telling you!

SRW UX - LOVE 14 ver. HD

: I’m detecting no signs of life inside that unit…? Then it’s no different from a Shaman or a Banks! I’ll destroy it in short order!
: Give me a sec and I’ll make you realize what a big mistake you just made!

SRW UX - A Bird’s Song

: Huh, so The Boom Army also has some warrior ladies? She better make this worth our while, then…!
: According to Men's Tokusatsu Monthly, female commanders often rely overly on trickery, though…
: And you take me, the Benikage, to be as your book describes? The truth may be more crushing than you expect!

SRW UX - Life Goes On

: You’re forcing a battle onto people who never wanted anything of the sort! Why the hell are you doing this for?!
: For the prosperity of Planet The Boom, is why! And you Earthling worms have no right to object!

SRW UX - Love Survivor

: We could have ended your sorry life in a heartbeat had Karen done her job properly, Joe Maya!
: Do you have any idea what you and your plan have put Damian through?!
: You wanna kill me, you come and do it legit, not with some bullcrap trap…!